Friday, May 22, 2009

May 14-17th we visited DISNEY WORLD

WE, hubby and I, did our spring trip to WDW, stayed at the POP, but had to cut it short a day to save $$$$, hubby lost his job unexpectedly recently, since we are pass holders and live 2 hours away, we shortened our trip to save what we had not payed for yet.

BUT as I was there, and we were talking about used to be's, it dawned on me that I should have put maps to the parks in my son's baby book, he is now 35 and things have changed so much, so it hit me to tell those of you who are bringing your young ones ( or older ones) to keep a map in their book, and just forget you put it there. I wish I had done that, OUR first trip was October 1971, just before the "grand" opening, and I wish I still had my book of tickets and my map of the Magic Kingdom.

WE went to the Studio the first day, after we arrived at the POP and checked in and got our room right away, (before noon), and emptied the car and ate lunch and took a short nap, we were off, Arrived just in time for the street Party parade they do on the main street, it was a lot of fun to watch, we did not participate, we kind of wanted to get over to Toy Story Mania, but we were too late, no fast passes left, so off we went to the stunt show, stopping to see a few things as we went along, the stunt show was fabulous as usual, I just love to watch it. This is probably our 8-10 time. We did the Muppet show, which we always love, and I got to do two drawings in the artist studio, we saw they were getting ready for the "UP" characters, I later heard they were there the next day, we ate at the Pizza place, and then went back by way of Toy Story and it said there was a 40 minute wait, turned out it was less than 30, so that was nice, we went through the regular lines, but they had some of the blocked off, so it went fast, and Mr Potato Head was not boring since he did not have time to repeat himself over and over, as he did the first time we rode it.

Disney Hollywood Studio Lake Buena Vista May 2009

The next day we went to the Magic Kingdom for the opening/rope drop, so we were there to see the train come and Mickey and Minnie and many others got off the train to welcome us to their magic kingdom, it was really nice.

We saw Mickey walking away from the train station and got in a line, not sure what character it was, the line was short, it was in the circle in front of the train station, turns out it was Pinocchio and the line of the left side of the circle was DAISY. We did not get in the other line, Pinocchio was a very bad boy, they had to go get him to get in his place, he was side tracked. LOL
We then saw the show at the Castle with Mickey and Minnie and all the gang, Dream along with Mickey, then we rode Buzz, it was a short wait, then on a new stage in front of Space Mountain we saw "Stitch's super sonic celebration", had no idea what it was, a bunch of dancers that made me think of the 60-70's with bright wigs on, the Stitch came out as Elvis, it was a lot of fun, Elvis was always a favorite for me. We went on to ToonTown Fair and rode Goofy's barnstormer, rode the train, went back to the room for lunch and a nap, then back to Magic Kingdom, and walking through we got to see the Live Glass blowing going on, it was mesmerizing, we enjoyed watching him make a vase and hearing the hows and whys and so on. We tried our first Dole Whip ice cream, wow, Pineapple soft Ice cream, it was VERY GOOD, we saw the parade and went to see Mickey's Philharmagic we love the 3-D shows. Enjoyed the fireworks after eating at Cosmic Ray's. Rode Buzz again, Then back to our room.

Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World May 2009

Our third day at the World we went to Epcot, I love the plants in front of the
Space Ship Earth, all the "couples" Beauty and the Beast", Cinderella, etc, We
headed for SOARING, got a fast pass, and got in the regular line, it was bout 20
minutes, then ate breakfast, carried it with us, we were having to keep it real
cheap, then back on Soaring for our second ride, I love that ride, sometimes
when we go we do not get there soon enough to get a fast pass or a wait more
than 70 minutes. So then we head over the Living Sea's, I love those pelicans
out front saying "MINE MINE MINE", LOVE IT, I talk back to them. LOL we found
Nemo on the ride then watched the fishes and manatee and dolphins and sharks,
and all the other stuff in the tanks, headed over to Coke world, to sample some
of our favorite flavors.
Then to see Minnie's Butterfly garden and now there is a fairy Hollow garden,
fun stuff. Love to take pictures of the butterfly's, always a challenge. then
off to Fast track, in the back door to see the cars, one of my hubby's more
favorite things, he sits in them all and dreams, we drive all OLD cars, so we
love the new ones, especially Pontiacs, it is sad they are doing away with
Pontiacs. Then through mouse Gears, Love to see what new hats or other toys
they might have.

Then off the Innoventions to the Visa Disney spot for pictures.
after a short wait we got to see Goofy and Minnie, Goofy just loved that my
hubby was wearing his Goofy shirt, we were all laughing our heads off, a lot of
fun. We headed back to the room by way of the picture place and got our free
pictures, ate lunch in our room, took a short rest, and back to Epcot....
We heading around the World just stopping and looking at things, nothing in
particular, we made it around to see Jose Feliciano at the American Pavilion, he
was good, I do remember most of his songs, his band had a good sound to it.
And walking around more, we decided to head back to Magic Kingdom since we had a
lot of fun seeing the fireworks, we left before the Epcot fireworks, we normally
do not.
We had dinner in the American Pavilion, we do not eat Beef and they have a
roasted chicken sandwich and lots of fixings to fix it with, it is always good
for us.
Got to the Magic Kingdom and the parade was going on, this one did not go the
day we where there, then the fireworks, we got Ice Cream and walked along the
path near the ice cream shop and sat on steps to watch the light parade from a
distance and then saw the fireworks from there, it was nice, we never Saw
Tinkerbell at the beginning of the fireworks so well, it was neat, she was right
over us and flew to the top of the Tomorrow Land noodle eating place, it was a
nice locations for a change, but it is amazing that the fireworks are now to the
right of the castle, amazing how a little change in location changes what you
Then off to BUZZ, MK was open till midnight, and we had had a nice rest in our
room, so we were ready, we got on Buzz after a little bit longer wait than the
day before, and while on the ride it STOPPED, I mean all the electric was gone
from our cars, could not move them around and the scores where gone, (hubby was
beating me this time, I won the day before), so I took the opportunity to snap
photos of course, of us with our blasters and Buzz and the Aliens, it was fun.
Then when we got going the score went back to "0" LOL.
We got back to our room near 1 am, it was a nice day, not too hot and no rain to
speak of.
Epcot at WDW May 2009

The next day we went to Animal Kingdom. But first pack the car, we leave the
Animal Kingdom for last day, besides being tired, and such, it closes early for
the Animals, and we have a 2 hour drive home, it makes it easier to leave when
the park closes early, get home before it is real late, we are getting OLD, LOL.
We did not get there real early, but headed off to the Safari,first we had our
picture taken with Lilo and Stitch. Then a fast pass for Safari, then wandered
around and took pictures, we walked the Jungle trek and saw the gorillas and
monkeys and birds, then back to our ride, I love the animals and it is always a
challenge to get pictures of them, the giraffes were eating out of a tree
hollow, it was cool, and there was 3 or 4 baby elephants playing in the watering
hole, 2 or 3 were in the water, the last one was standing a playing and PLOPPED
down in the water as our truck went back, it was so cool and the whole truck you
could hear AWE. The Lion and Lioness were both napping on the top of the rock
and I got them both in pictures, blurry but pictures, the ride is a must.
Then off to Asia, we did the trek there, forget it's name, but we love the
tigers in there, this time only two were sleeping, I have seen as many as 6 or 8
playing around.
Then back to the Bird show, also a favorite of ours, I love all wild animals and
to see these wild birds up close is so cool to us. Then off to eat at Flame
Tree, our favorite place, and sit down by the water and watch Everest, and hear
the people screaming, the view is out of this world, we like the half a chicken
and beans, but it no longer comes with a nice big corn muffin, did not notice
that till we sat down. We snuck through a back trail back towards Africa and
saw birds on a trail we had never seen. Then off to bugs life, of course, a
must, I get a thrill out of peoples reactions, but it does seem scary to small
kids, with the darkness and the spiders coming down, and load noises, many
people have to take small ones out.
so then off to Lion King,which is a MUST to see if you have not seen it, then
after the Lion King Show, We watched the parade from the wooded area near a
bridge, nice a cool and shady. we got our pictures taken with Eeyore and
Winnie and Tigger. WE missed The NIMO show by only minutes, IF I had paid attention to
times we could have made both shows, but Nemo is a must also if you have not seen
it, it is amazing what they do on stage.

Animal Kingdom at Disney World May 2009

then off we drove home, out to Osceola Rd from the Animal Kingdom and strait on to
the Turnpike and south, home in two hours.

Hope you enjoyed my little story, it is hard to remember everything. but
pictures tell it all..

Smile! It's contagious!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

MY Grand daughter's School band night.

We saw Emily at her school perform on May 7th, with her 8th grade band it was fun, all the middle school bands perform and it was nice to see Emily.

Emily's concert May 7, 2009 at Lincoln Park Academy school

Emily and Chris
smile! It's contagious!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I took some pictures of flowers around my yard, not all of them are out, and the Plumeria only last a short time, I have yellows open and pinks about to open. They are the flower in Hawaii used for the Leis, because I am in the tropics they grow here in my part of Florida.

From Flowers from my Yard May 09

The Desert Rose is the pink flower, they are in two pots, they Flower this time of the year and are just beautiful.
From Flowers from my Yard May 09

Flowers from my Yard May 09


Monday, May 4, 2009

I went to Clearwater, Florida for Peter Noone concert

I went on another road trip, my favorite singer was in Clearwater Florida, 200 miles north east of where I live, on the West Coast of Florida across the Bay from Tampa, the setting was a beautiful out door park along the water front, there was breezes all day long. First act on was Thelma Houston, then Peter Noone Staring as Herman with the Hermits, last act was Tommy James.

Thelma Houston was good she has hits in the Disco era, then OF course Peter Noone, then Tommy James, I actually like Tommy James songs, but the loudness of the music blew one of my ears, I had trouble hearing for 3 days, we left before he was done.

Peter Of course was wonderful, I loved seeing a longer show, his shows are short at Busch Gardens and Epcot at Disney World, they do 3 a day, but all three are basically the same, with one or two changes.

Coachman Park is on the water front in Clearwater a very beautiful area. it was a nice day, pleasant temperatures and sea breezes.

Here are my pictures:

Coachman Park IN Clearwater Florida May 1, 2009

Here is me

I am sitting with the Herman Dolls a few Noonatic's made to surprise Peter from the stage, it was funny, and Peter took one of the dolls on stage and played with it and made it dance, it was very funny.

I had fun.